01 Dec
- An interesting remark from a well-meaning interviewer yesterday:
- "You sing about isolation and about being an outsider. Isn't that, like... totally hypocritical when you have a 'nice' face ?"
- Er...
- A) You don't choose the face you are born with.
- B) DUH. Silly me.. The whole world knows that if you are considered alright looking, you haven't got the right to feel any of the emotions of a true/ "ugly" outsider. Must look ugly to feel ugly and look beautiful to feel beautiful... !
- Not of my interest to talk about beauty levels one here but it is interesting,obvious and yet totally shallow that we (inc myself) assume that because someone looks good they must feel good. (So nineties). For all the interviewer knows, I could have lived in a neck-brace until I was 14 and been severely overweight. Both ostracising experiences.
- It is very trendy to be an outsider right now. Freaky = conventional + conventional = freaky. Which is good, I think. Especially if it decreases bullying in any shape or form and makes society more accepting of personal/ physical differences. I am pretty sure isolation comes from within though and not through your face. Just interesting... We all have this perception that the way that one looks governs the way in which people think one has lived, lives and will live. Just like with money. Artists love pulling the 'poverty' card because it is cooler to be perceived as some hard-done-by poor artist than be one from a rich background. I always wanted to be a starving artist but I just liked food too much.
- I know it's mega easy to judge and we have our right to. Natural human trait. But come on! conforming to a physical ideal doesn't necessarily = feeling ideal. Imagine all the models and skinny, hot women and men in the world. They must all be happy, 24/7, riiight? And that is my issue with cosmetic (note: "cosmetic", not reconstructive) surgery. A blog for another day..
- Mx